Sunday, October 20, 2013

Are you a Barnabas?

So, tonight I wasn't quite sure what I wanted to post about so I decided to post about the message our pastor gave because I needed it and it was a great message. In the bible, Barnabas (I am not sure if that is spelled correctly) is called a faithful man and he is a servant of God. Pastor's message tonight was mainly about being a servant of God and being willing to do anything that needs to be done. I am going to add here that others may have gotten something different from the message but this is what spoke to me. Anyway, pastor was asking the church if we knew we were in the right place in our hearts where if something needed to be done at church, we are willing to do it. Yes, it is understandable that you can not be available 24/7 because of different reasons but if your church needed someone to clean the bathrooms one day because nobody else could do it,would you be willing? Would you be willing to do anything that needed to be done at church no matter what it was, and how much recognition you would or would not get? Sometimes as humans we get in the flesh and think "I don't want to do something that small. I wanna do something big where it will be noticed." The fact is, as christians we should be surrendered to the Lord enough to be willing to do anything. Know that I am speaking to myself here. There are many times where I don't necessarilly "feel like" getting up at 6 a.m. to ride the bus but as soon as I get there it is so worth it. So, I would encourage anyone who reads this to get involved in your church! Find out if there is anything that needs to be done. Trust me, I am sure someone on the staff could find something for you to do. You may realize that their jobs are a lot harder than you thought. It may even make you appreciate them a lot more. Although I am sure you already do :) So to make a long story short, what I'm trying to say is, get involved! Be a Barnabas! I promise you won't regret it!

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