Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Modesty is the Best Policy

Modesty. An often controversial subject. Why? Because so many women look in a mirror and instead of first asking "Would the Lord be pleased with this outfit?" or "Would this send the right message to people I don't know?" they ask "Will this make men look at me?" or "Does this flatter my body?" While I understand that we all want clothes that look good on us and flatter us, our first question should be about what the Lord would think about that outfit. I know it is so hard these days to dress modestly because every time you go shopping it seems as though the clothes get shorter, tighter, or more low cut, but it is possible!

A question that is asked a lot is, "Why is modesty so important?" Well, for starters, the bible tells us that lust is a sin, and by dressing this way you are creating a struggle for your brothers in Christ. From having guy friends, I know that each day they have to choose not to lust and it is hard for them. Don't get me wrong, girls lust too, but it is a much bigger problem for guys. This is simply the way we are made. So anyway, when guys see a girl wearing something inappropriate it just intensifies their struggle to do what is right. If you love your friends, help them to do right by dressing in a way that will not pull them down. Think about it this way. If you would not want other women to dress a certain way in front of your husband, do not dress that way yourself.

Next, here is the next reason to choose modesty. If you are single and still looking for that one guy, what do you want a man to fall for? Would you rather him like you for your body, or for your personality and what is in your heart? I do not know of any woman who would say they want a man to fall in love with their looks rather than their personality. The thing is, beauty will fade. One day you will get older and not look the same. When this happens, will your husband still be in love with the same things he was when he met you, or will his love fade as well? Just remember, however you get a man is how you will keep him. So let him fall in love with something that is lasting.

Since I am a teenage girl, I know how hard it is to find modest clothing. I also know how frustrating it can be to try on dress after dress or shirt after shirt and keep runnig into problems with the length or neckline. However, there are modest things out there. It just takes a little more work to find them. Some stores I have a lot of luck with are Ross (they have dresses that are more on the modest side in the ladies section most of the time, This store varies in what they carry though), Maurice's (they have tons of knee length dresses. You just may need to wear a cover up) , and Old Navy (they have lots of cute knee length dresses and I have a few jean skirts from there). Lastly, another really great place to find modest clothing is Goodwill! I love shopping at thrift stores because a lot of times you can find clothes brand new for close to nothing! Also, since sime if them are older styles, you can usually find modest clothing. I love thrift stores! Below, I have added just one example of the type of dress you can find at maurice's. To the knee, fashionable, and modest!

I hope this post gave clarity on why modesty is important and maybe changed the way some people will look at an outfit when deciding whether or not it is appropriate. As a side note, I would like to add that I am not trying to sound judgmental or anything of that nature. The purpose of this is really to explain why I feel so strongly about being modest and give you a different point of view. As always, thank you so much for reading and have a blessed night!

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